
Introduction: Increased number of high BMI individuals eventually leads them to low self-esteem, low selfevaluation which can lead to self-destructive behaviours such as uncontrollable dieting or overeating.thus,in order to evaluate the eating attitudes a study is conducted among the undergraduate students. Incidenceof fast food is increasing rapidly day by day especially in the young individuals, with improper food eatinghabits at irregular intervals which includes increased intake of carbonated soft drinks in young individuals,due to which there is increased risk of various health hazards out of which the most commonest healthhazard is increased risk of obesity in young population especially of urban region obesity also affects theindividuals in different aspects such as lethargy, psychological disturbances and physical inactivity leadingto increased risk of cardiovascular complications. EAT -26 questionnaire is a screening measure whichhelps in determining whether you might have an eating disorder that needs professional attention. Thisquestionnaire is a screening measure and is not designed to make a diagnosis of an eating disorder or toreplace the place of a professional consultation.Objective: The objective of the study was to get the number of individuals at risk and to analyse the changein the food habits.Study design: The design of the study is Observational with 1 month study duration.Result: 44 students were having inappropriate eating disorder whereas 156 students were having normaleating habits.Conclusion: 22% of students are at risk of eating disorder tested by EAT 26 questionnaire .

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