
This work presents the calculation of the temperature in different cross-sections of structural profiles (IPE, HEM, L and UAP) using the lumped capacitance method and the simplified equation from Eurocode 3 part 1-2. The lumped capacitance method allows the temperature calculation of the solid body at any time instant during the heat transient process, as a constant and uniform value. The simplified equation from Eurocode 3 part 1-2 is a simple model for heat transfer based on the uniformly distributed temperature over the cross-section surface and directly proportional to section factor of the element. Steel profiles have as almost thermal behaviour uniform during the heat transfer process when submitted to fire conditions and the lumped capacitance method allows a great simplification to estimate the temperature field in the element and may be used when Biot number is lower than unity. Therefore, thermal analysis of solids with high thermal conductivity using this method is adequate. For the studied steel profiles, a thermal analysis was also performed using the simplified equation from the Eurocode 3 part 1-2 in order to validate the obtained results from the lumped capacitance method. The results from both methods are presented for discussion and analysis.

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