
Continuous pollen and isotopic records were established for core BAN 84 09 GC retrieved from the anoxic Bannock Basin in the Eastern Mediterranean. On the basis of two 14C dates, they document the palaeoclimate between about 25.7 ka B.P. and 5.2 ka B.P. in the northern borderlands of the Ionian Basin. The upper half of the core has been redeposited. The isotopic record displays a correlation with pollen percentages that is strong and positive for Artemisia (sage-brush) and negative for Quercus (oak). The last glacial maximum and the deglaciation are identified by these combined taxa, together with Chenopodiaceae. The glacial maximum around 18 ka B.P. (which has elsewhere been dated from 20 to 15 ka B.P.) has pollen percentages that are high for Artemisia and low for Quercus. The climate in the pollen source area was arid, cold in winter, briefly warm in summer and sustained the vegetation of a semi-desert. The onset of deglaciation after 18 ka B.P. coincides with that of the decline in Artemisia pollen percentage. However, this decline does not indicate reduced aridity, because it is accompanied by a pollen percentage rise of the even more arid herbs Chenopodiaceae and Ephedra. Throughout the deglaciation from 18 to 11 ka B.P., the aridity progressively increases, culminating at 11 ka B.P. This trend is briefly interrupted by a more humid event, shown by a peak in Artemisia pollen percentage and a smaller peak in oak; these two peaks are coeval with the Bölling-Alleröd chronozone (13-11 ka B.P.). Maximum aridity occurs during the Younger Dryas chronozone (11-10 ka B.P.). Afterwards, the oak pollen percentage begins a steady increase, and its maximum value is coeval with the lowest isotopic value, dated at 8760 ± 170 yr B.P. This period was one of high moisture, warm summers, and, according to altitude, mild to cool winters. This climate sustained forests that were Mediterranean in the lowlands and warm temperate in the uplands. A high pollen concentration is observed during this period and reveals the presence of sapropel S1, which is otherwise unrecognizable in this entirely black core. During the following period between 8760 ± 170 and 5200 yr B.P., the δ 180 reverts to slightly higher values and the Quercus pollen percentage decreases, while the pollen percentage of the wetter Ostrya, the oriental hornbeam, increases. The high pollen concentration during the deposition of sapropel S1 cannot have been caused by increased pollen input into the sea, this pollen being wind-borne, nor by increased pollen production for all taxa, both trees and herbs. We conclude that it is entirely due to increased preservation of this allochtonous organic material by the deep anoxia of the bottom water, below a thick anoxic water column. The coincidence of sapropel deposition with warm and humid local climate as well as with the second global meltwater pulse suggests that the cessation of bottom-water ventilation was due to decreased surface water density, resulting from less saline incoming Atlantic surface water, increased local runoff, and warmer winters.

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