
East Java is included in the strategic area of national halal tourism development by the Ministry of Tourism. This was supported by the existence of religious tourism objects, natural and artificial tourism attractions, organizing annual cultural events, and adequate infrastructure. The purpose of this research is to review the potential and formulate strategies for the development of halal tourism in East Java. This research uses secondary data with qualitative method and SWOT analysis technique. Internal analysis shows the strengths and weaknesses factor as well as external analysis shows the opportunity and challenge factors of weakness in the development of halal tourism in East Java. Strength factors include diversity of tourist destinations, infrastructure to support the mobility of tourists, and level of tourist visits. Weakneses factors include promotion and branding, skilled human resources, as well as supporting facilities for halal tourism. Opportunity factors include government policy support, existence of supporting institutions and international reputation of halal tourism Indonesia. Threat factors include economic stability, security stability and competition for the halal tourism industry. Based on the analysis of internal and external factors, the formulation of the development strategy of halal tourism in East Java among others : a) S-O strategy: encouraging domestic and foreign investment in the development of halal tourism in East Java; b) W-O strategy: development of East Java halal tourism information center platform; c) S-T strategy: create a brand identity for East Java halal tourism titled “Khazanah Jawa Timur”; d) W-T strategy: establishment of special economic zone for east java halal tourism.


  • Jawa Timur masuk dalam kawasan strategis pengembangan wisata halal nasional oleh Kementerian Pariwisata

  • East Java is included in the strategic area of national halal tourism development

  • This was supported by the existence of religious tourism objects

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Reputasi pariwisata halal Indonesia di tingkat internasional

Pariwisata halal Indonesia telah mendapatkan pengakuan dalam ajang World Halal Tourism Award selama dua tahun terakhir yaitu 2015 dan 2016. Penghargaan tersebut merupakan wujud pengakuan dunia internasional terhadap potensi dan pesona pariwisata halal Indonesia. Sedangkan dalam ajang World Halal Tourism Award 2016, Indonesia mendapatkan 12 kategori penghargaan dari 16 kategori. Reputasi tersebut telah menarik wisatawan muslim mancanegara untuk berkunjung ke Indonesia. Menurut data Kementerian Pariwisata tahun 2014 dalam Suherlan (2015), kunjungan wisatawan muslim ke Indonesia mencapai 1.270.437 orang per tahun yang berasal dari Arab Saudi, Bahrain, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapura dan Prancis. Keberadaan maskapai tersebut turut serta dalam peningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan muslim ke Indonesia. Masyarakat akan enggan mengalokasikan dananya untuk berwisata saat kondisi ekonomi sedang terpuruk. Hal ini karena masyarakat akan mengalokasikan dananya untuk kebutuhan pokok, sedangkan berwisata adalah kebutuhan sekunder

Stabilitas keamanan dalam dan luar negeri
Persaingan antar daerah dan negara dalam pengembangan pariwisata halal
Keberagaman daerah tujuan wisata di Provinsi Jawa Timur
Prasarana penunjang mobilitas wisatawan di Jawa Timur
Sarana pendukung pariwisata halal
Sumber daya manusia yang ahli dalam bidang pariwisata halal
Reputasi pariwisata halal
Promosi dan branding pariwisata halal Jatim
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