
In the aftermath of the Nazi era and the Second World War the ‘Bloodlands’ of Eastern Europe including Germany were left with a pervasive and significant loss of empathy. Robi Friedman speaks of the ‘Soldier’s Matrix’ (2015), in which dehumanizing dissociation increases, and empathy, guilt and shame disappear. In the GDR (German Democratic Republic)—under totalitarian and authoritarian conditions—this state of emotional deficit persisted for longer than in the Federal Republic (BRD). Gradually, but only after reunification, could change in the whole of Germany become possible. In the following text I will review the fragmented state of psychoanalysis in the battered city of Berlin after the Second World War. I describe the predicament of psychoanalysts, who are hopelessly entangled in adaptation processes, fearing the new rulers and dreading their own conscience. Despite their weakened sense of courage, they were however able to create space for freedom of thought. I intend to convey the trajectory of that process. The GDR history, despite the experience of confinement, is also a story of opening. Specific developments within the borders enabled the preservation as well as the transportation of psychoanalytic thought: some examples can be seen in inpatient forms of psychotherapy, individual psychodynamic therapy and especially the Intended Dynamic Group Psychotherapy (IDG). The opening of the ‘Wall’ made profound psychoanalytic post-qualification possible, but it came at a cost to the specific developments of the health system in the East. Within this system group therapists took their own particular path. After several years of cautious rapprochement the founding of BIG (Berlin Institute for Group Analysis) could be negotiated and established in 2003, supported by all Institutes of Berlin belonging to the umbrella organization of the DGPT (German Society for Psychoanalyse, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatic). Nine years later the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gruppenanalyse und Gruppenpsychotherapie (D3G) consolidated in the merger of several individual groups resulting in a continuous and refreshingly pluralistic cooperation today. This article will therefore describe a series of societal shifts, transitions, internal and external attempts to heal, that are well reflected within the parallel process visible in the development of group analysis and its practitioners. One example to consider would be the asymmetry between psychoanalytic ‘teachers’ (West) and ‘students’ (East) and the dynamics experienced during professional encounters, which were very particular and rather complicated. However, that is a chapter in itself and will be considered separately.

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