
Wireless sensor networks have a complex and totally differ technique of communication compared with the conventional networks. In Wireless Sensor Network, Clustering architecture plays a vital role to reduce power consumption. In a clustered Architecture a Cluster Head (CH) node act as Aggregator node, will collect all the information from its neighboring nodes and give a condensed summary of the data and send to the next level of communication. This enormously reduces the communication cost and conserve power utilization of sensor nodes. In this proposal an Energy Aware SecureData Aggregation (EASDAG) is implemented and performed experiments for evaluation. The main aim of data aggregation technique is to collect and aggregate data in an energy efficient manner so that network lifetime is enhanced. The simulation results proves that Energy Aware SecureData Aggregationtechnique is much efficient than Cluster head election Strategy used in LEACH and can make the network stay reliable for longer time. Simulation results shows that throughput increases and battery consumption remains lesser when compared with LEACH.

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