
Summary, conclusions and recommendations.- Origin and Structure of the Margins.- Fifty Million Years of Passive Deformation in North West Europe.- Evolution of the Arctic-North Atlantic Rift System (abstract with references).- Structure and Origin of the Continental Margins of Eastern Canada.- The Geology of the East Greenland Margin.- Reactivation of Faults on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and its Implications for Earthquake Occurrence.- Postglacial Rebound and Faulting.- Glacial Isostasy in Laurentia and Fennoscandia: New Results for the Anomalous Gravitational Field.- Postglacial Uplift in Western New England: Geologic Evidence for Delayed Rebound.- The Secular Change of Gravity and the Geoid in Fennoscandia.- Extraordinary Deglaciation reverse Faulting in Northern Fennoscandia.- Geological Investigation of Late and Post Glacial Earthquake Activity in Scotland.- Neotectonic Activity in Coastal Maine: United States of America.- Crustal Stresse: Observation and Theory.- Stress Measurements and Modelling of Crustal Rock Mechanics in Fennoscandia.- Margin earthquakes, stresses and rheology.- Focal Mechanisms and Crustal stresses in the Baltic Shield.- Stress Orientations in the North Sea and Fennoscandia, a Comparison to the Central European Stress Field.- Crustal Stresses in Eastern Canada.- Earthquakes and their Causes.- The Seismicity of Stable Continental Interiors.- Intraplate Earthquakes in Iceland.- The Seismicity of Greenland.- Seismicity and Seismotectonics of Canada's Eastern Margin and Craton.- Seismotectonics in the Southeastern United States.- Seismotectonics and Crustal Stress in Great Britain.- Temporal Variations in North Sea Seismicity.- The Seismicity in the Continental Margin Areas of Northern Norway.- Patterns of Active Shear in Fennoscandia.- Seismodynamics and Postglacial Faulting in the Baltic Shield.- Spatial Correlation between Seismicity and Postglacial Rebound in Eastern Canada.- Earthquake Occurrence and Seismotectonics in Norway and Surrounding Areas.- Earthquakes within and near the French Western Margins.- Seismicity of the Portuguese Continental Margin.- A Comparison of the Source Mechanisms of the 1975 Laurentian Channel Earthquake and the Tsunamigenic 1929 Grand Banks Event.- Characteristic Features of Intraplate Earthquakes and the Models Proposed to Explain Them.- The Effect of Large Ice Sheets on Earthquake Genesis.- Earthquake Hazards.- Issues regarding earthquake source characterization and seismic hazard analysis within passive margins and stable continental interiors.- Seismic Hazard and Earthquake Source Parameters in the North Sea.- On the Determination of Seismic Hazards in Norwegian Continental Shelf Areas.- Problems with Seismic Hazard Assessment on the Eastern Canadian Continental Margin.- Appendix: Addresses of Participants and Additional Contributors (Co-Authors).

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