
Myanmar, lying in a major seismic belt, is indeed earthquake-prone and is vulnerable to hazards from moderate and large magnitude earthquakes, including tsunami hazards along its long coastal areas. The seismotectonics of the region indicates that earthquakes in Myanmar mostly have originated along an active subduction zone (Andaman Megathrust Zone) in the west and along a large transform fault zone (Sagaing Fault Zone) in the middle part of the country. In the past, at least two large magnitude earthquakes along that subduction zones were tsunamigenic. Of course, the tsunami generated by the giant 2004 Sumatra Earthquake also caused moderate damage in some parts of the Myanmar Coast. Thus, it is evident that Myanmar is vulnerable to hazards from moderate and large magnitude earthquakes, including tsunami hazards along its long coastline.The active fault studies (from paleoseismological survey through tectonic geodesy), upgrade and newly installation of seismic station networks, public awareness and curriculum development, building code development and technical training program are priority requirements in the country. Recently, researchers on tectonic geology recognize some active segments of the Sagaing, Kyaukkyan and Kabaw faults, as well as marine and fluvial terraces which seemed to be associated with subduction of India and Burma (Myanmar) plates along the Bengal tectonic boundary. Their study should be extended by providing some instrumentation schemes like global positioning system (GPS) network. Myanmar Earthquake Committee (MEC) has developed a seismic zone map of Myanmar in deterministic approach in 2006, for the sake of providing general information to the user for various purposes, and for public information. Technical development is needed for the completeness of the next generation of seismic zone map of Myanmar which is to be incorporated in Building Code, which in turn requires researches and findings on tectonics of Myanmar.

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