
Relevance. The non-chernozem zone of Russia and the more northern regions of the country are far from the most favorable zones for the cultivation of tomatoes in open ground. The most promising for the northern zones of Russia are earlyripening, cold-resistant varieties and hybrids of tomato. The most promising in terms of productivity, resistance to short-term frosts and late blight damage are standard and semi-standard forms of tomato. Stamp forms (var. validum Brezh.) are of significant interest, both for breeding, genetic studies of tomato culture, and for production. Results. In the laboratory of selection and seed production of solanaceous crops of the FSBSI FSVC (VNIISSOK) in recent years, a whole series of standard early ripe tomato varieties for open ground has been created (Chelnok, Revansh, Pervotsvet, Argo, Evgeniya, Malinka, Otradny). The involvement of the selected standard forms in the crosses made it possible to create a number of promising lines and varieties of the semi-standard form (Perst, Pervotsvet, Blagodatny, Dolgonosik, Voskhod VNIISSOK), which significantly increases the genetic diversity of the standard forms. These varieties with a solids content of up to 7.5%, with a long shelf life. In the non-chernozem zone and the more northern regions of the country, the VNIISSOK selection varieties easily tolerate a short-term decrease in day and night temperatures to 0…-1°C, and in the southern regions drought.

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