
Palynological analysis of the subsurface sediments from the bore hole 1008 (PK-6&7 blocks) from Manuguru area of Godavari graben has revealed the presence of Early Triassic palynoflora. Quantitative and qualitative palynological analysis of the productive samples have shown that the palynofossil content is predominated by cingulate-cavate spores, viz. Lundbladispora and Densoisporites and taeniate pollen like Lunatisporites in association with other taxa, such as Falcisporites , Alisporites , Klausipollenites , Chordasporites , Verrucosisporites and Osmundacidites . The above recovered palynoflora provides conclusive evidence for the presence of Early Triassic sediments equivalent to Panchet in the Manuguru area of Godavari graben. This is the first record of Early Triassic palynoflora in the Manuguru area. This corroborates the findings of Jha and Srivastava (1996) that the Lower Kamthi Formation represents the Early Triassic sequence equivalent to the Panchet Formation.

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