
Introduction: Early postoperative small bowel obstruction (EPSBO) is an obstruction that occurs within 4 weeks after the initial surgery. Routine prophylactic abdominal drainage does not provide any benefit in colon cancer surgery. The cause of EPSBO due to the abdominal drainage tube is infrequent. Case presentation: A 72-year-old male patient was diagnosed with sigmoid carcinoma and underwent laparoscopic left colectomy. A surgical drain was placed in the pouch of Douglas through the incision of the right iliac fossa trocar site. On the fourth day, he began to flatus, and the abdominal pain decreased. However, on the ninth day after surgery, the patient had more abdominal pain, could not pass gas and defecate, and the abdomen was more distended. An abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan showed a dilated loop of the small intestine above the transition site with a drainage sonde and no dilation of the loop below the sonde. The patient was indicated to remove the sonde. He could pass gas and defecate the next day again and was relieved of the abdominal distention. Discussion: Once an EPSBO is considered, it is essential to think of the bowel obstruction caused by the drainage tube in the case of abdominal drainage. It is necessary to have a contrast CT scan to examine. Conclusion: EPSBO due to intra-abdominal drainage is a rare condition that presents a challenge in diagnosis and treatment. Diagnosis usually begins on the fourth postoperative day, mainly in operations in the lower transverse mesentery, including drainage placement after laparoscopic surgery.

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