
The paper deals with geological and geochemical studies of granitoids of the Olenek complex in the Olenek uplift of the basement of the northern Siberian craton. The age of these granitoids was earlier estimated at 2036 ± 11 Ma. The granitoids of the Olenek complex correspond in composition to high-alumina quartz diorites, granites, and leucogranites of the normal petrochemical series. According to geochemical and mineralogical characteristics, the quartz diorites can be assigned to granites of the transitional I-S type, and the granites and leucogranites, to S-type granites. The 8Nd(T values in the granites of the Olenek complex vary from -0.2 to +1.4, and the Nd model age is 2.4-2.5 Ga. The quartz diorite is characterized by 8Nd(T) = +3.0 and a Nd model age T(DM) = 2.2 Ga. The geochemical characteristics of the granites and leucogranites indicate their formation through the melting of a source of graywacke composition, whereas the quartz diorites resulted, most likely, from the mixing of granitic and basaltic melts. The fact that the granitoids of the Olenek complex intruded the folded rocks of the Eekit Formation but stay virtually undeformed massive bodies suggests that they formed at the postdeformation stage of the regional evolution after the completion of the Paleoproterozoic orogenic events. The intrusion of granitoids marks the completion of the formation of the Early Proterozoic Eekit fold belt on the western (in the recent coordinates) margin of the Birekta terrane of the Olenek superterraine and the final formation of the superterrane structure. At the next stage of magmatism (1.98-1.96 Ga), best pronounced in the uplifts of the basement of the northern Siberian craton, all terranes forming the Anabar and Olenek superterranes assembled into a single structure.

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