
We present here new palaeomagnetic, isotopic age and geochemical data from Archean and Early Palaeoproterozoic rocks in the eastern Fennoscandian Shield. We have studied NE–SW trending gabbronorite dyke sets and their host Archean basement rocks in the Vodlozero block near the 2449 Ma Burakovka layered intrusion in southern Russian Karelia. Both dyke sets are genetically related to the Burakovka intrusion. The other, ca. 25 km long Avdeev dyke, locating a few kilometers south from the Burakovka intrusion, yields a stable single component remanence direction that is in agreement with the direction previously obtained from the Burakovka intrusion. Another NE–SW trending dyke, 0.8 m wide Shalskiy diabase dyke, about 30 km south of the Burakovka intrusion yields a similar remanence direction as the Avdeev dyke. The overall mean remanence direction has a palaeopole at Plat = −12.3°N, Plong = 243.5°E ( A95 = 15.4°, 4 sites, 28 samples). The thin Shalskiy diabase dyke transects a similarly NE–SW trending 500 m wide coarse grained gabbronorite dyke which has now been dated by Sm–Nd method as 2608 ± 56 Ma. Geochemically all the dykes are quite similar showing slight calc-alkaline affinity and low TiO 2 and high SiO 2 with moderate MgO and low Cr and Ni. Furthermore, the dykes are geochemically identical to the 2.45 Ga dyke swarm in the northern Karelian Province. The remanence direction of the thin Shalskiy diabase dyke differs significantly from the high temperature and high coercivity remanence component of the unbaked Archean gabbronorite dyke which yields a palaeopole at Plat = 22.7°N, Plong = 222.1°E (dp = 8.2°, dm = 16.2°, five samples). On the basis of different remanence directions of the diabase dyke and the unbaked Archean gabbronorite dyke, the baked contact test for the diabase dyke is positive. In addition to the high temperature and high coercivity component of the baked and unbaked Archean gabbronorite dyke, in low temperatures and coercivities we isolated a similar component as in the diabase dyke. A comparable remanence component was also obtained from the Archean basement at ca. 8 km from the dykes. We propose that in the studied area, the Archean basement and the Archaean dyke were partly remagnetized due to emplacement and subsequent uplift and cooling of the large Burakovka layered intrusion and related dykes at about 2.40 Ga ago. This interpretation lends support from a new 40Ar/ 39Ar dating of hornblende from another area, Lake Paajarvi area, in northern Karelia. There, a negative baked contact test was previously obtained for the remanence of the dated ca. 2.45 Ga dyke rocks related to the ca. 2.45 Ga Oulanka layered intrusion. The 40Ar/ 39Ar dating of the unbaked Archean basement which yields the same remanence component as the dykes, shows a plateau age of ca. 2.6 Ga, but in addition, it also shows resetting of the basement at ca. 2.4 Ga ago. The dating thus supports reactivation and partial remagnetization of the Archean basement at ca. 2.4 Ga ago. Our new palaeomagnetic results from the Burakovka dykes and the new 40Ar/ 39Ar dating from the Lake Paajarvi area give support to our previous interpretation that at Lake Paajarvi area the remanence component suggested to be 2.4 Ga, despite to negative baked contact test, is indeed of this age. Therefore, it is implied that the results can be used for continental reconstructions.

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