
Abstract Background Breast cancer, according to national cancer institute, is the most common site of cancer in women in Egypt as it accounts for about 38.8% of total malignancies among Egyptian females; it is an important cause of mortality among women. Aim of the Work To assess the feasibility of extreme oncoplasty (achieving negative margins) for T3 breast cancer patients not responding to neoadjuvant chemotherapy by using a superomedial pedicle flap. Patients and Methods This study was conducted on 30 female patients with stage T3 breast cancer not responding to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with no skin involvement or upper medial quadrant tumor, with large breast size (cup D), accepting both intervention modalities and fit for both anesthesia and radiotherapy. It was performed at the (General Surgery Department) at Ain Shams University Hospitals and El Haram specialized Hospital starting from March 2020. Approval of the Ethical Committee and written informed consent from all participants were obtained. Patients were divided into two groups. Group A includes 15 patients underwent Modified radical mastectomy with axillary clearance. Group B includes 15 patients underwent Superomedial pedicle mammoplasty and axillary clearance. Results Superomedial pedicle mammoplasty is equivalent to modified radical mastectomy in terms of oncological safety, with advantages over mastectomy in terms of quality of life and esthetic outcomes. Thus, Extreme oncoplasty provides an alternative to Modified radical mastectomy, extends the scope of breast conservation, provides better clinical outcomes, and improves quality of life. Conclusion This study showed that superomedial pedicle mammoplasty technique is a feasible extreme oncoplastic approach for patients with large tumors and not responsive to neoadjuvant chemotherapy considered for Modified radical mastectomy with acceptable complication rates, negligible rates of reexcision and no early recurrence in 3 months period.

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