
This paper is devoted to the critical issues of historiography and source study in the early Neolithic of the Trans-Urals. The authors consider basic dated monuments in the context of radiocarbon chronology; analyze the established criteria for identifying archaeological cultures and ceramic traditions and types of this period. Based on statistical processing of the ceramics of the forest-steppe Tobol region settlements: Tashkovo 1, Dolgovskoe 3, Kochegarovo 1, Ust-Suerka 4, the authors distinguish some stadial features in the evolving of the material culture of the early Neolithic in the first and second halves of 6 thousand BC. Attention is paid, firstly, to the co-existence of Koshkino and Kozlovo ancientries within the settlements, and, secondly, to the coincidence of a number of characteristics of Koshkino and Kozlovo material culture regarding the morphology of potteries, ornamentation techniques and basic decorative motifs. Within the framework of a sociocultural approach, it is proposed to consider the bodies of evidence as complexes of two coexisting and interacting traditions within one sociocultural space, understood in the source sense as an archaeological culture, instead of dividing them into two independent lines of development. Besides it is emphasized that the problem of the Neolithization of Trans-Urals, on the basis of the available data, at this time cannot be solved plausible.


  • This paper is devoted to the critical issues of historiography and source study

  • the authors distinguish some stadial features in the evolving of the material culture

  • Kozlovo material culture regarding the morphology of potteries

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154–156], обозначил для него следующие признаки: баночная форма с округлым/приостренным, редко уплощенным дном; преобладание отступающе-накольчатой техники орнаментации, с использованием также и прочерчивания, наколов, оттисков гребенчатого штампа; небольшие наплывы и разнообразная форма венчика; полная орнаментация сосуда с горизонтальной зональностью и вертикальной разбивкой внутри зон; распространение мотива взаимонаклона с волнистыми линиями; фигурные налепы на венчиках. Для комплекса с козловской и кошкинской керамикой на поселении Долговское 3 по углю из ямки в полу жилища была получена дата 6910 ± 70 (SPb_2153) – (5921–5667 cal BC), что также соответствует первой половинеVI тыс.

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