
Early life stress (ELS) encompasses exposure to aversive experiences during early development, such as neglect or maltreatment. Animal and human studies indicate that ELS has maladaptive effects on brain development, leaving individuals more vulnerable to developing behavioral and neuropsychiatric disorders later in life. This result occurs in part to disruptions in Brain derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf) gene regulation, which plays a vital role in early neural programming and brain health in adulthood. A potential treatment mechanism to reverse the effects of ELS on Bdnf expression is aerobic exercise due to its neuroprotective properties and positive impact on Bdnf expression. Aerobic exercise opens the door to exciting and novel potential treatment strategies because it is a behavioral intervention readily and freely available to the public. In this review, we discuss the current literature investigating the use of exercise interventions in animal models of ELS to reverse or mitigate ELS-induced changes in Bdnf expression. We also encourage future studies to investigate sensitive periods of exercise exposure, as well as sufficient duration of exposure, on epigenetic and behavioral outcomes to help lead to standardized practices in the exercise intervention field.

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