
The generation and organization of mesoscale convective vortices (MCVs) is a recurring theme in midlatitude and tropical meteorology during the warm season. In this work a simulation of a finite-length idealized convective line in a westerly shear environment is investigated in the absence of ambient vertical vorticity. An asymmetry in average vertical vorticity forms rapidly at early times in the present simulation. This study focuses on the formation and organization of vertical vorticity at these early simulation times. Previous simulations suggest that tilting of either ambient or storm-generated horizontal vorticity is the primary mechanism responsible for the formation, organization, and maintenance of MCVs. This study confirms recent work regarding the generation of vertical vorticity at early times in the simulation. A Lagrangian budget analysis of the vertical vorticity equation, however, shows that vorticity convergence becomes a comparable, and at times dominant, mechanism for the enhancement and long-term organization of vertical vorticity early in the simulation. Despite differences in the initial ambient horizontal vorticity, hodograph, and convective available potential energy, the Lagrangian budget analysis in the present midlatitude case is consistent with the Lagrangian budget results of a previous tropical squall line simulation. The study of idealized convective lines in midlatitude environmental conditions therefore provide valuable insight into understanding vertical vorticity production in tropical squall lines and their potential relevance to tropical cyclogenesis.

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