
Research concentrated on the Early Epipaleolithic (Nebekian) in central and southern Jordan. Four archaeological field seasons occurred during the summers of 2009-2012. The excavated sites were on the Kerak Plateau (KPS 75), in the Wadi al Hasa (Yutil al-Hasa and Tor at-Tareeq), and at the Wadi Madamagh rockshelter in the Petra region. Excavations were carried out by the University of Jordan and the University of Pennsylvania. The main goal was to build a systemic view of Nebekian adaptations and to use these data to examine the range of behavioral variability in the Levantine Early Epipaleolithic. Lithic analysis provided data relevant to site function and how hunter-gatherer settlement and subsistence strategies were modified in the face of climatic and paleoenvironmental changes during this period.

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