
The article is devoted to an urgent problem of modern neurology - early diagnosis and complex restorative treatment of cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy). Etiological factors and pathogenetic aspects of the formation of various forms of cerebral palsy are considered in detail, as well as modern possibilities of differential diagnosis in children of the first years of life of cerebral palsy and a wide range of pathological conditions (somatic, endocrine, hereditary-conditioned, including hereditary-metabolic and neuromuscular diseases). The leading directions of complex rehabilitation of cerebral palsy are widely presented, taking into account modern standards and clinical recommendations. The high efficacy of the drug Cortexin has been shown, due to its positive multimodal action (stimulation of the processes of neuropreparation, neuroprotection, neuroplasticity) in the treatment of motor, cognitive and autonomic disorders in children with perinatal lesions of the central nervous system and cerebral palsy.

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