
Objective:• To study clinical profile of typhoid in children.• To study Comparison of clinical profile and its correlation with blood culture and IgM antibody detection testfor early diagnosis of fever.• To study blood culture and widal at tertiary care centre in western UP.Methods: The study was carried out in Department of Pediatrics, Saraswathi Institute of Medical Sciences, Hapur,UP. All the children presenting with fever, aged from 6 months to 18 years, visited in the pediatric OPD(outpatientdepartment) and IPD(in patient department) of Saraswathi Institute of Medical Sciences from November 2020 toOctober 2022 were included in the study.Results: IgM antibody test was found positive in total 167 cases and negative in 63 cases. Also, blood culture wasreported positive in 157 cases and negative in 73 cases. Out of total positive IgM antibody, 138 showed positivefor blood culture and 29 were reported negative in blood culture. Out of total negative IgM antibody, 19 showedpositive for blood culture and 44 were reported negative in blood culture.Conclusion: Present study shows that typhoid IgM procedure is more sensitive than the established Widalagglutination assay and results can be obtained within 15 minutes while widal agglutination test can be doneafter 1 week. Typhi IgM test can be done after 72 hours of illness as IgM antibody becomes positive after 3 days ofinfection with Salmonella typhi. It is cost effective and can be done bed side.

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