
Background. Currently, issues of early diagnosis and psychological correction of mental and behavioral disorders in primary care to patients who consume alcohol with harmful consequences remain relevant. Presently, Ukraine has not defined a system of psychosocial arrangements that will allow society to adapt part of the cohort of somatic patients who consume alcohol with harmful consequences, the volume and effectiveness of their complex psychosocial treatment and rehabilitation have been insufficiently analyzed. Prophylactic work in our country to prevent the use of alcohol by patients with somatic disorders is undoubtedly being carried out, but its scale and organizational features do not provide the proper effect. Therefore, it is extremely important to diagnose disorders in time, as a result of alcohol use with harmful consequences in patients who have somatic complaints in family medicine network.
 Objective – to develop a differentiated approach to the early diagnosis and psycho-correction of mental and behavioral disorders due to harmful use of alcohol in patients who have somatic complaints in family medicine network, taking into account the characteristics of socio-demographic indicators and characteristic differences in the course of the disease.
 Materials and methods. A comprehensive survey of 240 thematic patients who had fi led somatic complaints to general outpatient care facilities aged from 18 to 60 years was conducted. Research methods – clinical and anamnestic, socio-demographic, psychological, clinical and psychopathological.
 Results. We studied the distribution of patients by somatic pathology, gender, age, marital status, educational backgrounds. The social and personal factors provoking the use of alcohol are revealed. The question of the initiating agent of alcohol use has been investigated, the mental state of the respondents has been analyzed. Mental and behavioral disorders of varying severity have been revealed in a significant part of the subjects, which requires their timely recognition and adequate psychocorrection, psychoprophylaxis and therapy. The results of indicators of clinical and psychopathological methods have been analyzed after providing patients with a general group of psychocorrectional and psychotherapeutic measures.
 Conclusions. It was revealed that mental and behavioral disorders, resulting from alcohol, significantly worsen the course of the patient’s somatic illness and require additional psychocorrection by the family doctor. Risk factors in the use of alcohol are neuro-psychological instability, accentuation of nature, the peculiarity of behavioral responses to a stressful situation (the use of sedatives, denial, behavioral withdrawal from the problem and others). Significant psycho-emotional stress of a general and personal nature encourages patients to use alcohol in order to compensate for their negative state. It was revealed that after psychocorrectional measures that were provided to patients of the general group, their results had higher indicators in all parameters than in the comparative group. A differentiated approach to the early diagnosis and psycho-correction of mental and behavioral disorders due to harmful use of alcohol in patients who have somatic complaints in family medicine network have developed, taking into account the characteristics of socio-demographic indicators and characteristic differences in the course of the disease.

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