
The influence of antigenic stimulation on the early development of the “spontaneously” occurring (“background”) IgM-, IgG-, and IgA-secreting cells has been studied in mice. To evaluate the effect of such exogenous stimulation by an evolving microbial microflora. the young of BALB/c mice that were kept under germ-free conditions and fed a low molecular weight chemically defined synthetic diet (GF-CD) were compared with the young of conventional BALB/c mice fed natural ingredients (CV-NI). The young were first suckling maternal milk and between Days 15 and 18 changed to the same diet as their parents. Background Ig-secreting cells in the spleen were enumerated in the protein A plaque assay. The specificity repertoire of the IgM-secreting cells was determined with plaque assays specific for sheep red blood cells (SRBC) that were haptenized with different concentrations of nitroiodophenyl (NIP). 4-hydroxy-3.5-dinitrophenyl (NNP), and 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl (TNP). The results show that during the first few weeks of life the numbers of background IgM-, IgG-, and IgA-secreting cells in the spleen develop faster in CV-NI mice than in GF-CD mice. At 4 weeks of age equal numbers of IgM-and IgG-secreting cells were found in both groups of mice, but the number of IgA-secreting cells remained reduced in GF-CD mice during the whole period of observation. The frequencies of IgM-secreting cells specific for the differently haptenized SRBC were the same in both groups of mice during the observation period of 10 weeks. This suggests that the ontogenetic appearance of IgM-, IgG-, and IgA-secreting cells in the spleen, and the specificity repertoire of the IgM-secreting cells, as far as was tested in our panel, is independent of exogenous antigenic and/or mitogenic stimulation. However, during neonatal development the rate of development of the background Ig synthesis is enhanced by environmental antigenic stimulation.

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