
Flap reconstruction has become an essential component in soft tissue sarcoma treatment. However, the clinical features of local recurrence after soft tissue sarcoma resection and flap reconstruction remain unclear. The present study aimed to establish effective follow-up strategies after soft tissue sarcoma resection and flap reconstruction. Data from patients who underwent soft tissue sarcoma resection and immediate flap reconstruction were retrospectively reviewed. Follow-up after surgery included history taking and physical examination during every visit to the hospital. Magnetic resonance imaging to evaluate the primary site was performed six months after the end of treatment then annually for ten years. The methods of detection of local recurrence were assessed. A total of 229 consecutive patients were included in the present study. During a median follow-up period of 40 months, 33 patients (14.4%) developed local recurrence. Twenty-three recurrences that occurred on the margin of the transferred flap were detected as palpable mass prior to radiological assessment; among the remaining ten recurrences that occurred in the deep layer of the transferred flap, six were detected by abnormal clinical findings and four were clinically occult and detected by surveillance radiological assessment. Surveillance radiological assessment has an important role in early detection of local recurrence that develops in the deep layer of the transferred flap. Therefore, meticulous clinical assessment combined with routine radiological study should be performed during follow-up evaluation for local recurrence after soft tissue sarcoma resection and flap reconstruction.

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