
The advancement in technology with the internet commences the new era of communication by allowing people to communicate through text, audio and video calling, images and video clips and various other applications. The applications of internet paved the way to a technology called Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is interpreted as communication between components, (e.g., sensors and actuators) through the internet designed for application-oriented assistance. IoT is simple and user friendly which attracted the people to adapt the technology. Despite the immense benefits of the IoT device, it is vulnerable.This results in the devices to undergo various attacks. Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack challenges the security in IoT devices. Therefore, this paper proposes the integrated SDN-Blockchain architecture to provide the secure connection for IoT devices. Software Defined Networking (SDN) technology is used in optimizing the network management, enabling a dynamic and efficient network configuration programming thereby optimizing the performance and monitoring the network. SDN transforms computer network by segregating control plane and data plane. Blockchain is represented as collection of blocks which are linked together as a back traced list.The previous block hash is used to connect the blocks together in the chain. The characteristics of Blockchain include decentralization, peer-to-peer connectivity, and immutable ledgers.

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