
Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the correlations of age, sex, anthropometric measurements, pulse rate, blood pressure, and family history of cardiovascular disease with early atherosclerosis in children. Methods: Between December 2011 and January 2012 we included 112 children of primary school aOsnovnaaola Bojana Ilicha Maribor´, whose parents consented and signed the inform consensus. We made a questionnaire about cardiovascular diseases in child's family. We measured blood pressure, pulse rate, body height, weight, waist circumference. We performed ultrasound measurement of carotid artery intima -media thickness (IMT). The data were processed using the SPSS statistical program. Results: Body mass index (BMI) (r=0.246;p<0.009), waist circumference ( r=0.198; p<0.036) systolic (r=0.282; p<0.003) and dias tolic bloodpressure (r=0.282; p<0.003) were positively correlated with carotid artery IMT. In addition, those with family history of cardiovascular diseases had higher carotid artery IMT (p<0.0001) at baseline. A multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed that family history of cardiovascular disease was associated withcarotid arteryIMT (p<0.0001). OriginalResearch Article

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