
Introduction. At the present stage, the occupational pathology of the skin remains one of the significant medical and social problems. In this regard, special attention is paid to the early diagnosis of sensitization to industrial chemical allergens to target occupational allergic diseases. The aim of the study was to study the changes in clinical and laboratory parameters in the formation of allergic skin diseases in workers during nickel plating. Material and methods. Three hundred eighty-nine employees of the machine-building enterprise were examined. The leading group consisted of 214 people exposed to harmful chemical factors of production. Group of intact persons 175 people is represented by employees who do not come into contact with harmful factors of the production environment. The condition of the skin of workers was analyzed. Laboratory studies of oxidative metabolism and immune status were performed according to unified methods. The nickel content in the urine was determined by voltammetry. Results. At the studied enterprise, 38,3% of workers were diagnosed with occupational skin diseases (epidermosis, allergic dermatitis, eczema). In the formation of dermatological morbidity, an increase in the activity of alkaline (ALPn) and acid (ACPn) phosphatase of neutrophils by 1,7-2.2 times and inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and neutrophil myeloperoxidase (MPn) by 1.2-1.5 times relative to the control group was found. On the part of the immune system, there was an activation of the suppressor function of T-lymphocytes (CD8+); B-lymphocytes (CD20+), an increase in the content of immunoglobulins IgG, total IgE, circulating immune complexes by 1.5-2.0 times and a decrease in the levels of immunoglobulins IgA, IgM by 3.0-5.0 times compared to the control. The relationship between the nickel content in the urine of workers and changes in the indicators of ACPn (r = 0.76), MPn (r = -0.87), (CD4+) (r = -0.91), (CD8+) (r = 0,86), general IgE (r = 0.92), indicating the priority role of nickel compounds in the formation of allergodermatoses in workers. Conclusion. The proposed complex of biomarkers aims to detect early the initial forms of allergodermatosis and the formation of risk groups for the timely rehabilitation of electroplating workers.


  • At the present stage, the occupational pathology of the skin remains one of the significant medical and social problems

  • Special attention is paid to the early diagnosis of sensitization to industrial chemical allergens to target occupational allergic diseases

  • The leading group consisted of 214 people exposed to harmful chemical factors of production

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Медицина труда

Цель исследования – изучить изменения клинико-лабораторных показателей при формировании аллергических заболеваний кожи у рабочих при никелировании. При формировании дерматологической заболеваемости установлено увеличение активности щелочной и кислой фосфатазы нейтрофилов в 1,7–2,2 раза и угнетение сукцинатдегидрогеназы и миелопероксидазы нейтрофилов в 1,2–1,5 раза относительно контрольной группы. Установлена тесная взаимосвязь между содержанием никеля в моче рабочих и изменением показателей кислой фосфатазы (r = 0,76), миелопероксидазы нейтрофилов (r = –0,87), СД4+ (r = –0,91), СД8+ (r = 0,86), общего IgЕ (r = 0,92), свидетельствующая о приоритетной роли соединений никеля в формировании аллергодерматозов у работающих. Предложенный комплекс биомаркёров направлен на раннее выявление начальных форм аллергодерматозов и формирование групп риска для своевременной реабилитации рабочих гальванического производства. Для цитирования: Крючкова Е.Н., Яцына И.В., Антошина Л.И. – концепция и дизайн исследования, сбор и обработка материала, статистический анализ, написание текста; Антошина Л.И. – концепция и дизайн исследования, сбор и обработка материала; Яцына И.В. Erisman of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, Mytishchi, Moscow Region, 141014, Russian Federation

Material and methods
Прочие кожные заболевания Оther skin diseases
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