
The purpose of this study is to determine the opinions and suggestions of teachers about inclusion who works at five preschool education institutions and students with disabilities in their classes. Inductive research technique was used in this study and semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten teachers who had mainstreamed students in their classes. The data were analyzed with inductive analyze technique. As a result of the inductive analyze technique, the data were themed and the findings of the research were attained. Results showed that the teachers expressed positive opinions about the necessity of inclusion but they generally have problems about inclusion in their classes, schools and they are not satisfied with this implementation. Teachers expressed that they have very little knowledge about inclusion, this knowledge is inadequate for them and not having adequate knowledge caused them to be incapable about inclusion in their classes and face problems. The majority of the teachers who expressed that inclusion have lots of benefits for students with disabilities, also mentioned that it is not appropriate to include visually and severe mentally handicapped in the preschool education institutions, other students with disabilities should be accepted in inclusion as long as they can learn. Besides, as a result of the research it is revealed that the teachers emphasized that inclusion implemented in our country has lots of shortages and they have suggestions about inclusion with expectations from various foundations and individuals.

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