
With increasing affluence, the traditional food choices of Mediterranean populations are changing. The changes appear to begin in early infancy, with increased consumption of processed foods. To determine current consumption patterns of the diets of 450 toddlers, 6-32 months old, enrolled from 17 paediatric practices in the Campania region of Italy, quantitative data were collected for 7 d, using calibrated feeding bottles, cups and dishes. Automated food analysis was employed and quality control was performed on a sub-sample. The average daily intake was 373 kJ/kg. Forty-three percent of energy was provided by carbohydrates, while fats supplied 39%, 45% of fats were saturated and 46.7% were monosaturated (primarily olive oil). Proteins provided 18% of daily energy; most (81.4%) were of animal origin. Fibre was virtually absent from the study children's diet. Total daily cholesterol reached an average value of 191 mg/d, corresponding to 201 mg/4.2 mJ. The intake per kg of cholesterol increased with age in the first year, while proteins and fats decreased. Dairy products were the main source of energy, fats and cholesterol. Vegetables and legumes were a minor source of energy at all ages: the consumption of fruit decreased with age. Although the overall pattern of feeding of this cohort remains favourable compared with other children groups in developed countries, consumption of whole milk and full fat dairy products may be reduced to equilibrate the diet.

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