
This paper examined early childhood developmental experiences as a tool for combating future security challenges in Nigeria. Education is the foundation of civilization over space and time. Thus it is seen by nations wither developing or developed as the main instrument necessary for the achievement of national security. Many nations therefore invest in education with the hope of achieving the needs of the society. Early childhood education is an integral part of teaching children in early life. The exposure of the child to pre-school experiences equips him for the next educational level and even for life. The paper recommends that the curriculum at this stage should emphasize functionalism or worthwhileness. It should consist of a play-based programme that emphasizes a pedagogical approach to education where children will be seen as requiring to learn with manipulative materials that will enhance their learning and also be taught the importance of hard work and dignity of labour. This will help to curtail some of the future security challenges in the country. A package for the early childhood sector was also proposed.

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