
There is a general concern to know the keys that lead to academic success and at the same time an interest in achieving educational equity. In this direction, we find students from the less favored classes, often stuck in the circle of poverty. Students who systematically do not obtain the qualifications that qualify them for more specialized jobs given the recurring school failure and/or school dropout. Language is one of the keys. We refer to the most refined language necessary for understanding the content taught in the classroom, for reading, for writing. These students learn less burdened by an inability to handle the more refined language that the school uses (teachers, tutors, books). A school language that must be academic and that is far from resembling the language of their immediate environment: family, above all, but also linked to the preschools that welcome them in those first years of life. With this purpose, we deploy this study: to underline the role of language, understood as Logos, which also becomes reason, intelligence, thought. In addition, look for school and family solutions for these deficits. The first step is to reduce screen time. Given this issue of better linguistic development of infants, in conclusion, in this work we propose home visit programs to learn to relate to children in the family on a linguistic level, but also in the quality of parenting, attachment and the development of the family narrative.

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