
Grape, though a temperate crop, is well adopted in sub tropics and tropics. In management of this crop, pruning is an important tool. Gibberellins are plant hormones that govern growth and direct several developmental processes including stem elongation, germination, dormancy, flowering, sex expression and leaf and fruit senescence. 25 canes per vine exhibited the earliest bud burst (4.65) than the other treatments and the maximum days taken for bud burst in canes regulated 50 canes per vine and control (7.56) respectively. The similar trend of bud burst was recorded during second season (2019) of growth. In pooled results, significantly, the earliest bud burst was recorded with respect to 25 canes per vine (4.41) where as bud burst occurred late (7.30 and 7.50) in control and 50 canes per vine respectively. In interaction effect of first year (2018), the earliest bud burst (3.89) was recorded in treatment 25 canes per vine with 30 ppm of GA3 which was statically on par with 25 canes per vine with 40 ppm of GA3 (4.22) and bud burst delayed in the treatment 50 canes per vine without GA3 treatment (7.89).

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