
Over the past two decades, the surgical treatment of breast cancer (BC) has changed from standard radical mastectomies to organ-preserving and reconstructive plastic surgeries using endovideosurgical and robotic technologies. Robot-assisted radical subcutaneous mastectomy, as a minimally invasive method of surgical treatment of BC in the early stages, is recognized as safe and effective.The results of robot-assisted radical subcutaneous mastectomy and radical subcutaneous mastectomy with endoprosthesis in 27 patients with histologically verified BC are presented. A comparative assessment of postoperative complications of robot-assisted radical subcutaneous mastectomy with endoprosthesis and radical subcutaneous mastectomy with endoprosthesis was performed. It was found that the postoperative period in robotic interventions is more favorable, which confirms the low need for analgesics, the absence of signs of the formation of hematomas of the surgical wound, as well as a decrease in the frequency of inflammatory infiltrates and gray soft tissues in the area of the postoperative suture. Performing a robot-assisted radical subcutaneous mastectomy with endoprosthesis can significantly improve the surgical and aesthetic results of BC treatment in the early stages of this disease.


  • It was found that the postoperative period in robotic interventions is more favorable, which confirms the low need for analgesics, the absence of signs of the formation of hematomas of the surgical wound, as well as a decrease in the frequency of inflammatory infiltrates and gray soft tissues in the area of the postoperative

  • [Ermoshenkova M.V., Zikiryakhodzhaev A.D. Evaluation of cosmetic results, psychological criteria after organ-preserving operations, oncoplastic resections, reconstructive plastic operations in patients with breast cancer

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Оригинальные статьи

Представлены результаты выполнения робот-ассистированной радикальной подкожной мастэктомии и радикальной подкожной мастэктомии с эндопротезированием у 27 пациенток с гистологически верифицированным РМЖ. Выполнение робот-ассистированной радикальной подкожной мастэктомии с эндопротезированием позволяет достоверно улучшить хирургические и эстетические результаты лечения РМЖ на ранних стадиях этого заболевания. Ранние и поздние послеоперационные осложнения робот-ассистированной радикальной подкожной мастэктомии с эндопротезированием. Robot-­ assisted radical subcutaneous mastectomy, as a minimally invasive method of surgical treatment of BC in the early stages, is recognized as safe and effective. The results of robot-assisted radical subcutaneous mastectomy and radical subcutaneous mastectomy with endoprosthesis in 27 patients with histologically verified BC are presented. A comparative assessment of postoperative complications of robot-assisted radical subcutaneous mastectomy with endoprosthesis and radical subcutaneous mastectomy with endoprosthesis was performed. It was found that the postoperative period in robotic interventions is more favorable, which confirms the low need for analgesics, the absence of signs of the formation of hematomas of the surgical wound, as well as a decrease in the frequency of inflammatory infiltrates and gray soft tissues in the area of the postoperative

Radical subcutaneous mastectomy with endoprosthesis
Серома Seroma
Результат Result
Неудовлетворительный Unsatisfactory
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