
Grain quality, timeliness of harvest, and profitability can be increased by improving field drying characteristics of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids. To better understand hows genes control ear drying, I compared maize strains developed by divergently selecting three cycles for (1) high HM or low LM moisture content at 45 d post pollination in the field or (2) fast FD vs. slow ear drying SD In laboratory. A field study across five locations compared HM, LM, FD, and SD strains from each of five synthetics for grain yield, ear moisture at harvest, test weight, lodging, and other agronomic traits. I studied ear moisture during grain filling for two subsets of divergently selected strains from one and three synthetics for 2 yr. In a third 2-yr field study, I measured mature kernel weight, lag period duration (LPD), effective grain-filling period (EFPD), and rate of dry matter accumulation (RDMA) for LM and HM strains developed from each of four synthetics. When averaged across the five synthetics, both SD and LM selections produced equivalent yields but lower ear moisture at harvest than the corresponding divergent strains. The LM strains had higher test weights than HM strains. When averaged across three synthetics and 2 yr, the HM strains produced higher moisture than LM strains at 15, 30, 45, and 60 d after silking. However, environments also influenced moisture content of the kernels during grain filling. In three of the four synthetics studied, HM strains had heavier kernels than corresponding LM strains. The heavier kernels seem to be due to increased RDMA. When averaged across four synthetics, LM strains had shorter LPD than HM strains. These correlated selection responses suggest that a genetic association exists among moisture content during grain filling, moisture content at physiological maturity, moisture content at harvest, LPD, and test weight. Breeding for LM or SD should improve field-drying characteristics of maize without increasing stalk breakage or decreasing yields. Key words:Zea mays L., grain filling, dry-down rates, mass selection, breeding methods

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