
Ecdysone-induced protein 93 (E93) is a metamorphic determinant involved in crosstalk between 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) and juvenile hormone (JH) during the insect molting process. The present study identified the E93 gene from the swimming crab, P. trituberculatus, and found it was widely distributed in adult tissues. PtE93 mRNA levels in Y-organ and epidermis fluctuated during the molt cycle, suggesting its involvement in juvenile molting. In vitro and in vivo treatments with 20E led to an induction of PtE93 expression in Y-organ and epidermis, while we found the opposite effect for methyl farnesoate (MF) treatments, a crustacean equivalent of insect JH. We also observed that two genes for ecdysteroid biosynthesis, Spook (Spo) and Shadow (Sad), were suppressed by 20E and induced by MF, showing a negative correlation between PtE93 and ecdysteroid biosynthesis. PtE93 RNA interference (RNAi) induced Spo and Sad expression levels, elevated ecdysteroid content in culture medium, and relieved the 20E inhibitory effect on ecdysteroid synthesis, indicating an inhibitory role of PtE93 on ecdysteroid synthesis. Overall, our results suggest that E93 may be involved in the crosstalk between 20E and MF during crustacean molting, and its presence in Y-organ is closely related to ecdysteroid synthesis.

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