
The purpose of this study was to evaluate insecticide seed treatments against caterpillar pests in sweet corn at the Central Crops Research Station in Clayton, NC. The trial was arranged in a RCB with 5 treatments and four replicates. Plots were 3 rows by 35 ft long planted on 38 inch centers. Sweet corn seed was planted on 24 May 2011 using a single row push planter with 8 inch within row plant spacing. All insecticide treatments were applied to the seed prior to arrival at NCSU. Stand counts were made on 8 Jun by counting the number of plants in a randomly selected five ft section of row two in each plot. A measure of seedling vigor was also taken on 8 Jun by counting the number of expanded leaves on five plants in each plot. Ten randomly selected plants from the second row of each three row plot were evaluated for caterpillar feeding damage and the presence of live caterpillars on 14, 21, 28 Jun and 5 Jul. Treatment means were analyzed using the General Linear Model Procedure in SAS (Version 9.1). When treatment differences were indicated by GLM, means were separated by LSD. All percent data were subjected to arcsine square root transformation prior to analysis. Untransformed data are presented.

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