
Electronic waste is a widespread environmental problem. From all waste streams, e-waste is registering one of the largest growing rates (between 3% and 5%). In Mexico, the e-waste recovery system comprises a mix of formal and informal sectors not well known to date. The goal of this article was to analyze electronic waste in Mexico through the active actors in the recovery chain. This article presents the evolution of studies on electronic waste in Mexico. The legal regulations and public policies were analyzed, as were the existing practices of electronic waste handling, and some challenges facing this country for waste flow management. A management model is proposed which highlights components that must be considered in the model and the opportunities and challenges to transition from an unbundled handling, which still has practices that lack environmental and technical support, to sustainable management.


  • With the arrival of the information-based society come high consumption rates of electrical and electronics equipment (EEE)

  • EEE renovation influences the promotion of technological obsolescence

  • Decision-makers have the challenge of handling the waste of electrical and electronic devices in a sustainable and responsible manner

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With the arrival of the information-based society come high consumption rates of electrical and electronics equipment (EEE). The industry tends to promote an insatiable appetite for newer and more attractive devices in the public This promotion towards EEE renovation creates a growing environmental problem, associated with electronic waste management [3,4,5]. EEE renovation influences the promotion of technological obsolescence. Decision-makers have the challenge of handling the waste of electrical and electronic devices in a sustainable and responsible manner. TTaabbllee 11 sshhoowwss eexxaammpplleess ooff tthhee mmaatteerriiaallss iinncclluuddeedd iinn ssoommee eelleeccttrriiccaall aanndd eelleeccttrroonniicc eeqquuiippmmeenntt. TThhee ttaabbllee wwaass eellaabboorraatteedd ffrroomm NNaattiioonnaall IInnssttiittuuttee ooff EEccoollooggyy aanndd CClliimmaattee CChhaannggee ((IINNEECCCC bbyy iittss aaccrroonnyymm iinn SSppaanniisshh)) ssttuuddiieess [[1199––2244]] aanndd wwiitthh iinntteerrvviieewwss aanndd fifieelldd vviissiittss ttoo 2277 rreeccyycclliinngg ee--wwaassttee ccoommppaanniieess iinn MMeexxiiccoo [[2255]].

Sustainable Model for WEEE Recovery in Mexico

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