
The system E-Retention Portal was designed with the primary purpose of helping every student of board programs of MinSCAT Bongabong Campus to check the result of their academic grades every end of the semester. The design and implementation of the online e-retention portal assist the students in managing their academic status that can be viewed on their mobile phones or gadgets. This system would also help the instructor lessen the time to make data by efficiently inputting every student’s grades and sending them to the registrar. Rapid application development (RAD) was utilized to develop the system, HTML as the programing language, and MySQL as the database Information concerning this work was obtained through a questionnaire, oral interview, and observation. The system was evaluated by forty (40) respondents from MinSCAT Bongabong Campus’s different courses. The researchers used an ISO 25010 type of questionnaire that assessed the system’s acceptability in terms of functionality, reliability, usability. Efficiency, maintainability. The system’s result with the average3.83 illustrated as very good as the respondents agree to the system’s criteria in the evaluation form. The E-Retention Portal can be designed to switch from manual disseminating of grades to the students’ online process and storing grades. The system provides secured and reliable record management of every Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology student. The system is user-friendly, efficient, usable, and accurate. The students access the website anytime, anywhere to view and inquire about their grades. The system is upgraded into automatic computation, allowing the instructor to compute the grades to the design directly and automatically give remarks.

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