
E-OMR system which supports paper-based examination and makes it easier, more comfortable and speeds up the whole process while keeping every single positive attribute of it but also reducing the number of negative aspects. The way of conducting testing the knowledge of a person using Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) has been increased gradually. In Educational industries like schools and colleges it is more common now-a-days having tests using multiple choice questions. Even in conducting interviews it is used. Current day scenario is either using OMR technology to correct the test or manually. In real-time it is quite difficult to have OMR at all the time and manually it is highly taking the time to correct and it may give you the error. We address this issue, in our proposed system we are using digital image processing technique to correct the answer using python. We are using Open Source Computer Vision Library (Open CV) to process and correct the answer. Python is the best language to implement this concept with the available Open CV library. In this system we also implement in the django environment.

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