
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, many learning institutions across the world have adopted e-learning programs. It has enabled students to continue with school at home as per the health protocols that restrict contacts and other physical relations. This aims to investigate the factors that influence the choice to implement, use, and sustain an effective eLearning program. Some of the factors investigated were the accessibility of resources, the collaboration of the students, technology, environmental and social factors, ease of using the internet, students computing abilities and costs as factors affecting eLearning. The research method used was qualitative, using a sample of 307 and an online survey to identify and investigate the factors being investigated, and analysis was done using SEM. Using Fornell–Larcker discriminant validity and Heterotrait–Monotrait correlation matrix, the data collected from the sample were analyzed, and results were represented in tables. The results of the study were that the factors that influence the use, implementation and sustainability of e-learning program for family medicine specialty training are; accessibility of resources, a collaboration of the students, technology, environmental and social factors, ease of using the internet, students computing abilities and costs.

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