
This research used qualitative methods of descriptive where information was required directly and where time and resources were limited. It was designed to investigate whether e-learning podcast-based could be used in learning to listen in English for students of the University of Bina Sarana Informatika Management Study program. This research used samples that are 6 classes as a source of research data with the 2nd-semester students who came from Management study program. The number of 1 average class consisted of 20-25 students. Researchers used the Android-based Anchor Application as a podcast maker as well as Google Classroom as an E-Learning learning medium. To collect data, researchers used observations, interviews, and documentation. Interviews were conducted by giving 25 questions through online based on theoretical approaches related to this study with 90 sample data. Researchers used test instruments with pre-test and post-test as research instruments. This research was focused on the use of ICT in the learning process by way of e-learning Podcasts based. The novelty of this research is this study used a different target and numbers of the target from the previous studies, namely Management Program Students who only get Basic English teaching during lectures. As a result of this research was the use of podcasts more effective than e-learning without using the media podcast, characterized by a grade average result of 76.05 after Post tests were done.

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