
There is a little research that concentrates in all e-government backstage so this study has been done in order to cover this gap. This quantitative based study gathers data by conducting in-depth desk review. It covers the most important topics that relate to e-government as maturity, models, development, evolution, factors, adoption and best practices and more. This kind of research is important since it is considered as comprehensive and holistic. Several literatures are reviewed in order to collect information about several e-government topics all around the world. E-government best practices, the level of adoption, the level of development and evolution, e-government maturity, e-government models of maturity, e-government perspectives, lessons from different communities and factors that affect the level of deployment all are mentioned and explored here. This study contributes to the scholars since it gathers data about all e-government related issues it abbreviates and demonstrates e-government procession. It proposed general framework which is considered as roadmap. At the end of this research there are tremendous recommendations and conclusion which shorten the whole study.

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