
In the dynamic landscape of modern commerce, the symbiotic relationship between e-commerce and digital transformation has become a cornerstone of business evolution. E-commerce, facilitated by the internet, has revolutionized the buying and selling of goods and services, transcending geographical boundaries and reshaping traditional business models. Simultaneously, digital transformation represents a strategic response to the digital age, encompassing the integration of digital technologies into all aspects of business operations. This paper rigorously examines the interconnected domains of e-commerce and digital transformation, uncovering evolving trends, persistent challenges, and far-reaching implications. Examining consumer behaviour patterns in the context of digital transformation, we highlight the shift towards Omni-channel experiences and personalized interactions. Through industry case studies, we showcase successful transformation instances and their outcomes. The fusion of e-commerce and digital transformation has redefined modern commerce. E-commerce's evolution and digital transformation's strategic integration of technology have reshaped business paradigms. Ultimately, this research enhances our understanding of e-commerce and digital transformation's profound implications for businesses and society, guiding stakeholders in harnessing technology's potential while navigating a dynamically evolving business environment. Our findings underscore the benefits of digital transformation, including enhanced operational efficiency, broader market reach, and enriched consumer experiences. Practical recommendations for businesses navigating this landscape are provided.

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