
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the Peruvian market, generating a great loss in sales in Peruvian companies. The objective of the research is to develop a model to optimize sales with the use of digital marketing in a Peruvian company, the chosen methodology is DesingScrum, which is a hybrid of Scrum and Desing Thinking, with 10 phases (empathize, define. It has 10 phases (empathise, define, ideate, planning meeting, sprint backlog, daily meeting, sprint review, sprint retrospective sprint, prototype and testing) and the MarvelApp tool was used to create the prototype. The results are obtained after the completion of the review of each sprint, showing in detail how it was progressing in each sprint, and through the retrospective evaluated the development of the project for the realization of continuous improvement in the next product. Further prototype was made, with the application MarvelApp, which shows the model of e-business. Then testing was done through a survey that customers gave their opinions about the prototype and finally the digital marketing proposal was made by a model, which explains the interconnected tools to attract new customers. The conclusion is the construction of the digital marketing model according to the needs of the context to improve the sales of the company through e-business.


  • The trade and economic impact of the pandemic on large and small businesses and organisations around the world has had an impact on their financial statements, and Pakistan’s analysis indicates that 184 MIPYMES, 83%, did not have a strategic plan in place to deal with the impact of the pandemic [1], MIPYMES were severely affected and face several problems such as reduced sales, supply chain disruption, decreased demand and financial problems [2]

  • Scrum The Scrum methodology is nowadays the most widely used methodology for project management in all companies for the development of web or desktop systems [15], The project is based on 3 important fundamentals that would make transparency, control and adaptation, guaranteeing us with a quality product [16]

  • The e-business was developed in the Peruvian company Domınguez proposing the use of digital marketing to obtain a larger clientele, as well as having different tools to generate appropriate advertising and measure the performance of the web platform

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In Latin America, the Argentinean country had been dragging along different economic problems before the pandemic began, generating the final blow to the economic and commercial crisis, as its currency began to devalue more than it should have, increasing the price of products [3]. Companies were hit hard economically and commercially by the instability of Covid-19. There was an attempt to adopt social distancing and restrictions on access to markets, which began to generate uncertainty in the purchase and sale of companies and organisations [5].As a clear example, when the pandemic started, people started to buy more products, generating a commercial and economic impact, which led to inflation in food products, transport, among others. In order for companies not to go bankrupt, the state had to designate a small bonus ”ReactivaPeru” to help micro and large companies, this bonus was only going to be designated to all companies that were up to date in their tax payments or were registered with the National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration

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