
Nowadays, we are witnessing major technological changes that affect the overall society, current way of living, education and reading habits of young people. This paper highlights both advantages and disadvantages of E-book compared to traditional printed books. E-book is a nonprinted version of the traditional book, which remains in the electronic form and can be used only on a computer or some other device that allows reading e-books in several formats. The Internet represents a modern media that has surpassed all its predecessors and facilitated communication and transmission of information in general. On the other hand, it has brought a lot of danger. This paper also discusses the issue of children safety on the Internet. Besides that, it gives practical examples of the Internet usage in teaching. The use of the Internet in teaching undoubtedly increases motivation of young people, but it has greater benefits when used moderately together with other teaching methods. There are great challenges and innovations lying ahead of students and their professors, and only through mutual ideas, improvements and interaction can we contribute to establishing a high quality education.

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