
Using ab initio density functional theory with static mean-field correlations, we calculate the Heisenberg and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI) for an atomistic spin Hamiltonian for the lacunar spinel, GaV4S8. The parameters describing these interactions are used in atomistic spin dynamics and micromagnetic simulations. The magnetic properties of the lacunar spinel GaV4S8, a material well-known from experiment to host magnetic skyrmions of Néel character, are simulated with these ab initio calculated parameters. The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya contribution to the micromagnetic energy is a sum of two Lifshitz invariants, supporting the formation of Néel skyrmions and its symmetry agrees with what is usually expected for C3ν-symmetric systems. There are several conclusions one may draw from this work. One concerns the quantum nature of the magnetism, where we show that the precise magnetic state of the V4 cluster is crucial for understanding quantitatively the magnetic phase diagram. In particular, we demonstrate that a distributed-moment state of each V4 cluster explains well a variety of properties of GaV4S8, such as the band gap, observed Curie temperature and especially the stability of Néel skyrmions in the experimentally relevant temperature and magnetic-field range. In addition, we find that electronic correlations change visibly the calculated value of the DMI.

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