
The tasks of the Border Guard include combating many threats. Nowadays, we observe their dynamics and evolution, including terrorist attacks that have severe consequences. Terrorist threats disrupt the functioning of state institutions and have a negative impact on the safety of citizens and social order, including safety in civil aviation. Due to the increase in international conflicts, there is a growing need to strengthen the potential of services and formations dealing with combating threats affecting the level of international security. The purpose of this article is to identify the role of the Border Guard in the event of a terrorist attack at an airport. The first part of the article characterizes the formation and describes its place in the Polish counterterrorism system. The elements of airport protection against terrorist threats are presented in turn. The main part describes contemporary challenges for airports in the context of the terrorist threat, with particular emphasis on the types of threats related to airport critical infrastructure. It was hypothesized that the Border Guard is well prepared to respond to terrorist attacks at airports. Border Guard plans and procedures are constantly updated and improved. Border guards are regularly trained on how to deal with such incidents. The research problem was formulated: What role does the Border Guard play in protecting the airport against a terrorist attack? Obtaining an answer to the above question required the use of research methods. For the purposes of the research, the method of analyzing literature, legal acts and the synthesis method was used, and the authors’ previous knowledge and experience in this field were also taken into account.

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