
W artykule omówiona została działalność gospodarcza właściciela Jarosławia, kasztelana krakowskiego Spytka Jarosławskiego (około 1436–1519). Autor przedstawia jego działania podjęte w celu stworzenia z miasta centralnego ośrodka posiadanych dóbr ziemskich oraz ich wpływ na rozwój Jarosławia w czasach, gdy władał nim Spytek, jak też w okresie późniejszym. The Activities of the Krakow Castellan Spytek Jarosławski (ca. 1451–1519) in Hereditary Jarosław and Their Impact of the Subsequent Development of the Town The paper discusses the economic activities of Spytek Jarosławski (Spytek of Jarosław) in his hereditary town of Jarosław. Spytek was the most eminent representative of the Jarosław line of the Leliwite family (i.e. bearers of the Leliwa coat of arms). He began his career before 1461 at the royal court in the service of King Casimir Jagiellon (Kazimierz Jagiellończyk), obtaining successive offices, which culminated in the highest secular dignity – the Castellan of Krakow. These successive appointments were rewards for his commitment to political activity for the kings. In his hereditary estate he was a good administrator. During his rule in Jarosław, a number of public buildings and foundations came into existence. In 1479 Spytek confirmed the old rights and privileges of the Jarosław burghers and granted them new ones. The period of Spytek Jarosławski’s rule in Jarosław brought about the town’s development in all fields of life. During that time, Jarosław became also a major trading center of supraregional importance in Red Rus’. For the Jarosław Leliwites, the town became the capital of their feudal “state” with their own clerks, vassals, and army. That “state” was a kind of model for later magnate latifundia. Moreover, Spytek Jarosławski, with his brother Rafał, who resided in nearby Przeworsk, founded in 1470the first family (Jarosław-Przeworsk) entail in Poland.

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