
The period of martial law (1981-1983) belongs to the most dramatic pages of Polish history. Even before midnight of December 12, 1981, police and military forces began to carry out the action "Jodła", as a result of which previously selected activists of "Solidarity" and opposition and independent groups were arrested. Key to determining the position of the Church in relation to the new reality was the attitude of Primate Jozef Glemp, for whom the most important thing was not to lead to the shedding of Polish blood. Hence, despite the resistance of some bishops and clergy, he consistently implemented the line of mitigating the moods and persuading Poles to abandon active resistance. During martial law the bishops of Czestochowa carried out multifaceted pastoral and social activities. In the first weeks the priority was to establish the list of internees and to organize help for their families. For this purpose, a Diocesan Centre for Assistance to Internees and Their Families was set up, which was transformed in 1983 into the Diocesan Committee for Assistance to the Neighbour. It intervened to release detainees, especially women in a blessed state, seriously ill and with complicated family situations (small children, parents requiring constant care). Bishop Barela and Bishop Musiel visited internment centers in Lubliniec, Strzelce Opolskie, Zabrze Zaborze, and Łupków, bringing spiritual and material help to the detainees. The church demanded that "Solidarity" and other independent unions be reactivated, the internees be released, those sentenced for acts related to martial law be amnestied, an act of generosity for those in hiding be declared, strike organizers be reinstated and the August social agreements be reinstated.

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