
The dystrophin-associated protein complex (DAPC), consisting of dystrophin, dystroglycans, sarcoglycans, dystrobrevins and syntrophins, provides a linkage between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix. The disruption of DAPC leads to Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy and other neuromuscular diseases. Although adipose-derived stem cells had been used for the experimental treatment of Duchenne/Becker disease with promising results, little is known on the expression and function of DAPC in adipose tissue. Here we show that visceral and subcutaneous rat adipose depots express mRNAs for all known dystrophin isoforms, utrophin, α- and β-dystrobrevins, and α-, βI-, βII-, and γII-syntrophins. Visceral and subcutaneous rat preadipocytes express Dp116 and Dp71 mRNAs and proteins, and this expression is differentially regulated during adipogenesis. Rat preadipocytes also express β-dystrobrevin, α-, βI-, βII- and γII-syntrophins, β-dystroglycan and β-, δ-, and ε-sarcoglycans with no changes during adipogenesis. We also show that α-dystrobrevin increases their expression during adipose differentiation and extracellular matrix differentially regulates the expression of dystrophin isoforms mRNAs during adipogenesis. Our results show that DAPC components are expressed in adipose tissues and suggest that this complex has a role on the adipose biology.

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