
The distribution of dystrophin-associated proteins (beta-dystroglycan, alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-sarcoglycan, alpha-syntrophin and sarcospan) were studied in obliquely striated muscle of the leech Pontobdella muricata. Western blot analysis and immunohistochemical electron microscopy, using various polyclonal antibodies, were employed. Western blot analysis of all of these antibodies showed a single band, with approximately the same molecular weights as similar proteins detected in vertebrate muscles. The immunoelectron microscopy study confirmed specific immunogold labelling in the membrane of muscle cells. Since all dystrophin complex components have similar molecular weights and the same localisation in leech as in vertebrate skeletal muscle, we assume that these proteins have similar properties in leech and vertebrate muscle. The presence of these molecules in annelid muscles, together with a short version of dystrophin (previously described as IDLp-140) is of particular interest since phylogenetic and functional studies on this material could help to shed new light on the role and function of this complex in the muscle membrane.

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